Fashion is something barbarous, for it produces innovation without reason and imitation without benefit.
Georges Santayana

Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010

Wardrobe #7

Pulli: Illustrated People
Rock: Urban Outfitters
Schmuck: H&M

Ein kleiner Auszug aus dem Fieberwahn der K.B. Ohne Aspirin würde ich schon lange Schwalben sehen und schwarzweiß ist die Welt durch meine Augen im Moment sowieso. Sooo...

13 Kommentare:

  1. Der Rock ist geilo, aber wir haben ja keinen Urban..grrrr..

  2. ohhh, den Rock mag ich total gerne...hoffentlich kommt meine Ledershorts auch bald ;) Liebste Grüße x

  3. so gorgeous!
    i love the skirt.. really nice.

  4. leather skirt is a must have and always a great choice... gotta get one for me too :)

  5. amazing Tee!!! love it !
    perfect combination with the leather skirt!!!!
    love your style

  6. das sind ja mal richtig geile bilder!!

    Liebe Grüße

  7. tollefotos!
    Gleich mal verfolgen ! :)

  8. thanks for your sweet comment!
    you look like whitney from the hills!
    I follwo you!
    you mee too?
    x amber

  9. Hey there! Hope you don't mind the message, I took the link through Irene's blog. I just wanna say i like very much your looks simple yet great. But also wanna remark the thing of th how annoying is to deal with the i'm fashionable only if I wear a ig brand, here in Argentina happens the same. Luckily little by little we are having the great success of many independent designers which do incredible and original in a human worker normal salary.
    I add your blog in my lists of fav's, hugs from Argentina.

    Hope you like my post, simple yet very unique.
